If you are a HANDIBOY customer and would like to see your project here- drop me some pics! |
Looks like DENNIS likes to have fun with his ''Space Villain'' mask from HANDIBOY. |
Great use of KNIFE WIELDER FIST! |
MORE Coming soon! They may be YOURS! Muhahaha! |
Jon's halloween display. Notice several figure sporting hands (male latex hands, female latex hands,knife wielder hands) from |
Above and left : I finally got around to posting pics of my own halloween display! Michael Myers keeps a close guard over my display. I just wish he would'nt clump around so loudly on my roof! (latex knife wielder hands and mask supplied by |
RANDALL sent in pics of his Halloween yard display. Notice LEATHERFACE and MICHAEL MYERS sporting knife wielder and regular latex hands from the collection. LLLLLLove the smokin' FREDDY! Keep those pics a comin' peeps! |
Makers of DANTE'S INFERNO video game uses's knife wielder fist for a special promotional box set. |
MICAH puts great use of hands from with his SCARFACE full size figure. I custom painted the hands for Micah to match TONY'S skin complextion.Hmmm, wonder if Macah's met Tony's ''leedle friend'' |